Gluta-C Product Review

Hi! I’m Cj and I won’t settle for the usual whitening.
#IAmChoosy because I deserve a little extra! Having sensitive skin, I usually check if a product is non-drying. Whitening products usually dries skin thus making it flaky. Good thing there’s Gluta-C! It whitens without stripping off skin’s moisture.

 With essential vitamins added, it keeps skin fair, nourished and healthy! It comes in two variants too! #BeChoosyUseGlutaC #SampleRoomPH 💖🍊

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Got this samples from Sample Room where you can get different samples for free, you just pay for the shipping fee! This is the first time I used my points as well! Upon registration, you receive 100 points which you can use to start your Sample Room adventure! How cool is that! And, oh, did I mention you can earn points by reviewing their samples too? Or you may also become a VIP Member and get 1000 points for Php649 (USD 12) only!
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Do you have any thoughts about this product? Share your comments below!

Thank you Blurtees! Stay awesome!

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